Hypnotherapy, which is hypnosis with a positive goal, works with this level of our mind. Using hypnotherapy can lead to tremendous positive results. People who were afraid of spiders might no longer be. People who smoked for decades can quit after 2 or three sessions.
And it just get's more interesting from there! If you look in to the research, you will find that hypnosis has been shown to grow bones faster, reduce physical pain, help in weight loss, aid in cancer recovery, and be helpful in literally hundreds of different physical and mental challenges!
Your brain waves are slowed down to a theta state, similar to that of dreaming.
With a quiet mind, the subconscious is more accessible and can be influenced in positive ways.
In the theta state, the subconscious mind is open to accepting new programming, which is exactly what the hypnotherapist is trained to do.
Hypnotherapists will use guided imagery, healing words, and verbal repetition to create breakthroughs, positive change, and encourage positive behaviors.
Reportedly, hypnosis has a 93% success rate with fewer sessions than both behavioral and psychotherapy, according to research studies.
This led researchers to believe that for changing habits, thought patterns, and actual behavior, hypnosis was not only the most effective method but that it needed less time/sessions than other forms of therapy.
Is it time to bring some new energy into your life? Learning a new skill will do that. And learning a skill that fundamentally changes how you see the mind will transform your life 10 times faster.
Hypnosis is a transformative skill for so many reasons. It can empower you personally. It can help you deal with problems suffered by loved ones. And it can easily be turned into a side hustle or a full time career.
The skills we teach are so effective that people regularly pay our graduates $150 or more per session. And through our course you will receive certification from the widest known professional recognition- The National Guild of Hypnotists.
Graduates come out of our course locked, loaded, and ready to roll. Are you up for it?
We know how it is to seek that change. To want it, to reach for it, and to go looking for it. Which is undoubtedly where you are now.
Why you are on this webpage. Why you are still reading...
You are looking for that one thing that can make a difference.
What will truly mark the "before" and "after" on the calendar of life?
And what could come into your life with the power to not only make an impact in your day-to-day living, but also contribute to healing the traumas of the world?
Of a Hypnosis Certification
What do you need to know?
Certification is fast and straightforward.
Classes can be done from your home in a 3 week accelerator course, or over 7 weekends so you can work while you go.
The best certification is through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).
NGH sets professional standards for hypnotic practice and services. On May 11, 1993, the National Guild of Hypnotists was recognized by the 103rd Congress of the United States for its efforts toward establishing and maintaining a rigorous professional code of ethics, as well as high-quality educational resources in the advancement of professional hypnotism.
No Previous Experience Required
We will teach you everything you need to know to start taking clients and open up shop. No previous experience needed.
To start, yes. But to thrive? We recommend a few other things. Here'e what you will really need to launch:
A plan for how to get clients after you are trained (We have that!)
A website (We offer one with the course!)
Follow up coaching and marketing help (We have that too!)
A professional website, a lead generation system, 6 months of hypnosis coaching, 6 months of marketing and small business coaching, and professional hypnosis music are all available with our Hypnosis Business Package.
Our Hypnosis Certification Courses
1. National Hypnotist Guild Certification
2. Northwest Hypnosis Institute Professional Hypnosis Certification
Professional Website, Business Phone Number, and Client Management Software Available.
We help you on your journey to success with small business guidance, monthly masterminds, and ongoing marketing coaching.
Once certified, we still hold monthly hypnosis 'brush up' sessions to make sure we tackle any obstacles that might get in the way.
What else do you get?
Bruce Terrill has trained hundreds of students in the art of Hypnotherapy and is a passionate, dedicated, and truly masterful teacher. He will not only demonstrate the true power of hypnosis to transform lives, but he will also help you tap into a power within yourself to make you into a healing change maker.
Whether you are comparing us to other Hypnosis Certification courses or to a two-year Masters Program for clinical therapy, we can offer you a new Career Path that is affordable. We love what we do and want to make it financially easy for people pursuing a hypnotherapy certification.
Interactive Training
Unlike some hypnotherapy trainings where you are forced to watch pre-recorded videos and take quizzes, our courses are live, and fully interactive with the trainer and the other students.
We have moved our Trainings to 100% online so you can learn from anywhere. Convenience, effectiveness, and full certification from home from a World Class Hypnosis Training Center.
We offer two different types of certification courses to fit your schedule. You can get certified over 7 weekends, or in 14 weekdays.
100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don't feel the class is a right fit for you, you can cancel with 100% refund within the first two days. No questions asked, no risk to you.
No time taken off your day job while you learn your new profession. You will be trained and certified in just 7 consecutive weekends.
In less than 2 months you can start adding to your present income or begin building a practice to replace your day job.
[Monday-Friday] 9am-5pm PST
We will have you trained, certified, and ready to accept clients in less than 3 weeks.
-Heidi Welch, Certified Hypnotherapist
-Kieran McManus, Certified Hypnotherapist, Portland, OR
-Jeanine Seger, Hypnotherapist, Gilbert, Arizona
-Rose Ludwig, RN, Portland, OR
Hypnosis is a tool unlike any other. However, this is not the magic show hypnosis you might have seen before. We teach three main types of Hypnosis: Conversational Hypnosis, Nuero-Linguistic Programming, and Trance Hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a powerful healing technique that can cut through to the core of an issue. We are so impressed with the power of Hypnotherapy and the change it can bring to people's lives that we've started an institute to teach others how to do it. You will be Thrilled by what you learn and the depth in which it can help others change their lives.
Typically, professional hypnotists earn $150+ per hour for their services. Some hypnotists specialize in something like stress management, phobias, athletic training, or smoking cessation and charge $250 or more per session. The fee will ultimately be up to you and how you want to run your practice.
Absolutely. We teach you everything you need to know to become a Professional Hypnotist.
YES! We have many students who are therapists, coaches, massage therapists, Reiki practitioners, and much more who have become certified in hypnosis in order to expand their toolkit and add an income stream to their business. For some, they are looking for a new skill to help their clients breakthrough where they are stuck. For others, they are looking for a healing art that they can do remotely. And some just want to keep learning and honing their abilities. All are welcome and we will be happy to have you bring your expertise to the course.
There are no previous education requirements to take the course. We will teach you everything you need to know from A-Z.
Yes. You can break the course tuition into one downpayment, and then monthly payments.
Nope. None. Zilch. Nada.
But we can't promise that you won't want to share what you are learning with everyone you know...
It is open book and you will be well prepared beforehand.
Scheduling conflicts? No worries.
You can either make it up with a correspond course, or you can make it up in the next course with no extra charge.
In special situations, you can do the corresponding amount of hours of hypnosis research and practice while still remaining within the needed hours for certification.
We cover many strategies in the course for how to get new clients.
Absolutely. We have two course formats, one which is designed for people who are working. This course takes place over 7 consecutive weekends. Without missing Monday through Friday, you can be certified in less than 2 months and start accepting hypnosis clients at that time.
Give us a call or book a consultation so we can discuss how we can transform your life. (Links and Phone Number below.)
Otherwise, you will just stay where you are. If you are happy, then that is a good move.
But if you are looking for change in your life, then you must go after that change.
We can teach you a skill that will change your life forever, give you a solid stream of additional income, and positively affect the lives of your future clients.
So don't wait! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Call Bruce
Bruce C. Terrill, CI, CH is a professionally trained and certified consulting hypnotist and instructor of hypnotism. With a lifetime of education and experience, Bruce has created a hypnotherapy practice and training institute that combines his knowledge and ability to help clients and students to make lasting changes in their lives. Bruce helps clients using conversational hypnosis, trance hypnosis and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and also offers life coaching and business consulting.
His colorful past also includes decades as an internationally recognized
martial arts expert and teacher.
His main passion now is spreading the magic and power of hypnosis through the Northwest Hypnosis Institute.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact Bruce directly! (844)719-5553.
Get in Touch
Northwest Hypnosis Institute, Inc.
10175 SW Barbur Blvd.
Portland, OR 97219
Copyright © Northwest Hypnosis Institute, Inc. 2009-2024.